SDK Version

This Documentation is based upon avail-go version v0.2.5


You can find Go installation instructions here. The required minimum version of Go is 1.23.0

If you already have installed Go (version no less than 1.23.0), jump to Add Avail-GO SDK as dependency section.

Installing GO in an Empty Ubuntu Container

Here are the instructions on how to install GO using the latest Ubuntu image.

podman run -it --rm --name ubuntu-container ubuntu:latest
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install nano wget
cd ./home/ubuntu/.
tar -xf go1.23.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv ./go /usr/local/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
go version
# "go version go1.23.5 linux/amd64"

Add Avail-GO SDK as dependency

To Existing Project

# Fetches Avail-GO SDK v0.2.4. This might not be the newest version so make sure to check out the latest github avail-go-sdk release.
# Link to Github:
go get

To A New Project

# Creates a new project with name myproject
go mod init myproject
# Fetches Avail-GO SDK v0.2.4. This might not be the newest version so make sure to check out the latest github avail-go-sdk release.
# Link to Github:
go get

First Time Running

  1. Paste the following code to main.go:
package main

import (
	SDK ""

func main() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)
	if err != nil {

	// Use SDK.Account.NewKeyPair("Your key") to use a different account than Ferdie
	acc := SDK.Account.Ferdie()

	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	fmt.Println("Submitting new Transaction... Can take up to 20 seconds")
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))
	if err != nil {

	// Transaction Details
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, res.BlockHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.BlockNumber, res.TxHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.TxIndex))
  1. Fetch dependencies:
go mod tidy
  1. Run Example:
go run .

Data Submission

package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunDataSubmission() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Use SDK.Account.NewKeyPair("Your key") to use a different account than Alice
	acc := SDK.Account.Alice()

	key := fmt.Sprintf("MyKey%v", rand.Uint32())
	// Transactions can be found under sdk.Tx.*
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.CreateApplicationKey([]byte(key))

	// Transaction Execution
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	// Err means that we failed to submit and execute the transaction.

	isOk := res.IsSuccessful()
	// If the return value from `IsSuccessful` is None, it means that we cannot
	// determine if the transaction was successful or not.
	// In this case we assume that we were able to determine it.
	AssertTrue(isOk.IsSome(), "Failed to determine transaction status.")

	// If the value of `IsSuccessful()` is Some(false) then the transaction has failed.
	AssertTrue(isOk.Unwrap(), "The transaction failed.")

	// We might have failed to decode the events so res.Events could be None.
	// In the case we assume that we were able to decode then.
	AssertTrue(res.Events.IsSome(), "Failed to decode events.")
	events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, daPallet.EventApplicationKeyCreated{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()

	// Printing out all the values of the event ApplicationKeyCreated
	appId := event.Id
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Owner: %v, Key: %v, AppId: %v`, event.Owner.ToHuman(), string(event.Key), appId))

	// Submit Data
	tx = sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(appId))

	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Tx must be successful")

	// Transaction Details
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, res.BlockHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.BlockNumber, res.TxHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.TxIndex))

	// Events
	AssertTrue(res.Events.IsSome(), "Events must be present")
	txEvents := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	event2Myb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event2 := event2Myb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Who: %v, Datahash: %v`, event2.Who.ToHuman(), event2.DataHash.ToHexWith0x()))

	fmt.Println("RunDataSubmission finished correctly.")


Account Creation

package examples

import (

	SDK ""

func RunAccountCreation() {
	// Use `NewKeyPair` to create your own key from your secret seed phase or uri.
	acc, err := SDK.Account.NewKeyPair("//Alice")
	fmt.Println("Alice Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))

	// Use `GenerateAccount` to generate a random account
	acc, err = SDK.Account.GenerateAccount()
	fmt.Println("Random Account Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))

	// There are predefined testing accounts available to be used on local dev networks.
	acc = SDK.Account.Alice()
	fmt.Println("Alice Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))
	acc = SDK.Account.Bob()
	fmt.Println("Bob Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))
	acc = SDK.Account.Charlie()
	fmt.Println("Charlie Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))
	acc = SDK.Account.Eve()
	fmt.Println("Eve Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))
	acc = SDK.Account.Ferdie()
	fmt.Println("Ferdie Address: " + acc.SS58Address(42))

	// AccountId can be created from Keypair...
	accountId := primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(acc)
	fmt.Println("Ferdie Address: " + accountId.ToHuman())

	// ...or from SS58 address
	accountId, err = primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY")
	fmt.Println("Alice Address: " + accountId.ToHuman())
	fmt.Println("Alice Account Id: " + accountId.ToString())

	// AccountId can be converted to MultiAddress
	multiAddress := accountId.ToMultiAddress()
	AssertEq(multiAddress.VariantIndex, 0, "Variant Index needs to be 0")
	AssertTrue(multiAddress.Id.IsSome(), "ID needs to be populated")
	AssertEq(multiAddress.Id.UnsafeUnwrap(), accountId, "multiAddress and accountId need to have the same value")

	// MultiAddress can be converted to AccountId
	accountId2 := multiAddress.ToAccountId()
	AssertTrue(accountId2.IsSome(), "")

	// Non-init AccountId has `5C4hrfjw9DjXZTzV3MwzrrAr9P1MJhSrvWGWqi1eSuyUpnhM` as the SS58 address
	accountId = primitives.AccountId{Value: primitives.H256{}}
	fmt.Println("Address: " + accountId.ToHuman())
	AssertEq(accountId.ToHuman(), "5C4hrfjw9DjXZTzV3MwzrrAr9P1MJhSrvWGWqi1eSuyUpnhM", "Non-init account id ss58 address is not correct.")

	fmt.Println("RunAccountCreation finished correctly.")

Account Nonce

package examples

import (

	SDK ""

func RunAccountNonce() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	// Via RPC
	nonce, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.AccountNextIndex("5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY")

	fmt.Println("RPC Nonce: ", nonce)

	// Via Abstraction
	accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY")

	nonce2, err := SDK.Account.Nonce(sdk.Client, accountId)

	fmt.Println("Abstraction Nonce: ", nonce2)

	fmt.Println("RunAccountNonce finished correctly.")

Account Balance

package examples

import (

	syPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunAccountBalance() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY")

	// Via Storage RPC
	storageAt, err := sdk.Client.StorageAt(primitives.None[primitives.H256]())

	storage := syPallet.StorageAccount{}
	val, err := storage.Fetch(&storageAt, accountId)

	fmt.Println("Free Balance: ", val.Value.AccountData.Free.ToHuman())
	fmt.Println("Reserved Balance: ", val.Value.AccountData.Reserved.ToHuman())
	fmt.Println("Frozen Balance: ", val.Value.AccountData.Frozen.ToHuman())

	// Via Abstraction
	balance, err := SDK.Account.Balance(sdk.Client, accountId)

	fmt.Println("Free Balance: ", balance.Free.ToHuman())
	fmt.Println("Reserved Balance: ", balance.Reserved.ToHuman())
	fmt.Println("Frozen Balance: ", balance.Frozen.ToHuman())

	fmt.Println("RunAccountBalance finished correctly.")


There are no such thing as tagged union (enums from Rust) in Go. From Scale perspective, a enum is represented by a variant index that defines what enum variant is described and by additional data that each variant could have.

Simple Enums


type SimpleEnum struct {
	VariantIndex uint8

func (this SimpleEnum) ToString() string {
	switch this.VariantIndex {
	case 0:
		return "Nothing"
	case 1:
		return "Day"
	case 2:
		return "Month"
	case 3:
		return "Year"
		panic("Unknown SimpleEnum Variant Index")

Simple enums don't have anything attach to it besides the variant index. The scale encoding and decoding is done automatically so there is no need to write our own encode/decode methods. In order to know how many variants there are and what each variant means, we create the ToString() method that shows thats.

In order to set the enum to a variant, we just need to set VariantIndex to the desired and correct value.

Example of correct setup:

enum := SimpleEnum{}
enum.VariantIndex = 1

Example of incorrect setup:

// VariantIndex out of range
enum := SimpleEnum{}
enum.VariantIndex = 200

Complex Enums


type ComplexEnum struct {
	VariantIndex uint8
	Day          prim.Option[uint16]
	Month        prim.Option[uint8]
	Year         prim.Option[uint32]

func (this ComplexEnum) ToString() string {
	switch this.VariantIndex {
	case 0:
		return "Nothing"
	case 1:
		return fmt.Sprintf("Set: %v", this.Day.Unwrap())
	case 2:
		return fmt.Sprintf("Set: %v", this.Month.Unwrap())
	case 3:
		return fmt.Sprintf("Set: %v", this.Year.Unwrap())
		panic("Unknown ComplexEnum Variant Index")

func (this *ComplexEnum) EncodeTo(dest *string) {
	prim.Encoder.EncodeTo(this.VariantIndex, dest)

	if this.Day.IsSome() {
		prim.Encoder.EncodeTo(this.Day.Unwrap(), dest)

	if this.Month.IsSome() {
		prim.Encoder.EncodeTo(this.Month.Unwrap(), dest)

	if this.Year.IsSome() {
		prim.Encoder.EncodeTo(this.Year.Unwrap(), dest)

func (this *ComplexEnum) Decode(decoder *prim.Decoder) error {
	*this = ComplexEnum{}

	if err := decoder.Decode(&this.VariantIndex); err != nil {
		return err

	switch this.VariantIndex {
	case 0:
	case 1:
		var t uint16
		if err := decoder.Decode(&t); err != nil {
			return err
	case 2:
		var t uint8
		if err := decoder.Decode(&t); err != nil {
			return err
	case 3:
		var t uint32
		if err := decoder.Decode(&t); err != nil {
			return err
		return errors.New("Unknown ComplexEnum Variant Index while Decoding")

	return nil

When at least one variant has additional data attach to it, we are forced to created on our encode and decode methods.

First of all the additional variant data needs to be stored as an option, and the field member should have the same name as the variant itself. In this case Day, Month, Year now carry additional data and that's why there are three fields with the same name in our enum struct.

The EncodeTo method manually scale encodes the data. The VariantIndex is a u8 so it's going to be encoded like that. The rest depends on what option has been set. If VariantIndex is set to 1, and Day is set to 25, both will be encoded correctly. Take care: If you set up the wrong option or set up more than one option then the transaction will fail. It's up to you to be diligent and not mess up.

Example of correct setup:

enum := ComplexEnum{}
enum.VariantIndex = 2

Example of incorrect setup:

// VariantIndex out of range
enum := ComplexEnum{}
enum.VariantIndex = 125

// VariantIndex and data not matching
enum.VariantIndex = 0

// Too many data fields are set
enum.VariantIndex = 1

There isn't much room for errors in the Decode method unless the devs messed it up.


All Block Transactions

package examples

import (


	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunBlockTransactionAll() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// All Transactions
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{})
	fmt.Println("Transaction Count: ", len(blockTxs))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 9, "Transaction count is not 9")

	// Printout Block Transactions
	for _, tx := range blockTxs {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Call Name: %v, Call Index: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, tx.PalletName(), tx.PalletIndex(), tx.CallName(), tx.CallIndex(), tx.TxHash(), tx.TxIndex()))
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Signer: %v, App Id: %v, Tip: %v, Mortality: %v, Nonce: %v`, tx.SS58Address(), tx.AppId(), tx.Tip(), tx.Mortality(), tx.Nonce()))

	// Convert from Block Transaction to Specific Transaction
	daTx := daPallet.CallSubmitData{}
	isOk := pallets.Decode(&daTx, blockTxs[2].Extrinsic)
	AssertEq(isOk, true, "Transaction number 3 was not of type Call Submit Data")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Data: %v,`, string(daTx.Data)))

	// Printout all Transaction Events
	txEvents := blockTxs[2].Events().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(txEvents), 7, "Events count is not 7")

	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find DataSubmitted event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, Who: %v, Data Hash: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.Who.ToHuman(), event.DataHash))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockTransactionAll finished correctly.")

Block Transactions Filtered By App Id

package examples

import (


	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunBlockTransactionByAppId() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// All Transaction filtered by App Id
	appId := uint32(2)
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WAppId(appId))
	fmt.Println("Transaction Count: ", len(blockTxs))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 2, "Transaction count is not 2")

	// Printout Block Transactions filtered by App Id
	for _, tx := range blockTxs {
		AssertEq(tx.AppId().UnsafeUnwrap(), appId, "Transactions don't have App Id equal to 2")
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Call Name: %v, Call Index: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, tx.PalletName(), tx.PalletIndex(), tx.CallName(), tx.CallIndex(), tx.TxHash(), tx.TxIndex()))
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Signer: %v, App Id: %v, Tip: %v, Mortality: %v, Nonce: %v`, tx.SS58Address(), tx.AppId(), tx.Tip(), tx.Mortality(), tx.Nonce()))

	// Convert from Block Transaction to Specific Transaction
	daTx := daPallet.CallSubmitData{}
	isOk := pallets.Decode(&daTx, blockTxs[0].Extrinsic)
	AssertEq(isOk, true, "Transaction was not of type Submit Data")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Data: %v`, string(daTx.Data)))

	// Printout all Transaction Events
	txEvents := blockTxs[0].Events().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(txEvents), 7, "Events count is not 7")

	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find DataSubmitted event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, DataHash: %v, Who: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.DataHash, event.Who.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockTransactionByAppId finished correctly.")

Block Transactions Filtered By Transaction Hash

package examples

import (


	baPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunBlockTransactionByHash() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// Transaction filtered by Transaction hash
	txHash, err := primitives.NewH256FromHexString("0x19c486e107c926ff4af3fa9b1d95aaba130cb0bc89515d0f5b523ef6bac06338")
	txs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxHash(txHash))
	AssertEq(len(txs), 1, "")
	tx := &txs[0]

	// Printout Block Transaction filtered by Tx Hash
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Call Name: %v, Call Index: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, tx.PalletName(), tx.PalletIndex(), tx.CallName(), tx.CallIndex(), tx.TxHash(), tx.TxIndex()))
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Signer: %v, App Id: %v, Tip: %v, Mortality: %v, Nonce: %v`, tx.SS58Address(), tx.AppId(), tx.Tip(), tx.Mortality(), tx.Nonce()))

	// Convert from Block Transaction to Specific Transaction
	baTx := baPallet.CallTransferKeepAlive{}
	isOk := pallets.Decode(&baTx, tx.Extrinsic)
	AssertEq(isOk, true, "Transaction was not of type Transfer Keep Alive")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Destination: %v, Value: %v`, baTx.Dest.Id.UnsafeUnwrap().ToHuman(), baTx.Value.ToHuman()))

	// Printout all Transaction Events
	txEvents := tx.Events().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(txEvents), 7, "Events count is not 7")

	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find Transfer event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, baPallet.EventTransfer{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, From: %v, To: %v, Amount: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.From.ToHuman(), event.To.ToHuman(), event.Amount))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockTransactionByHash finished correctly.")

Block Transactions Filtered By Transaction Index

package examples

import (


	baPallet ""
	syPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunBlockTransactionByIndex() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// Transaction filtered by Transaction index
	txIndex := uint32(1)
	txs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxIndex(txIndex))
	AssertEq(len(txs), 1, "")
	tx := &txs[0]

	// Printout Block Transaction filtered by Tx Index
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Call Name: %v, Call Index: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, tx.PalletName(), tx.PalletIndex(), tx.CallName(), tx.CallIndex(), tx.TxHash(), tx.TxIndex()))
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Signer: %v, App Id: %v, Tip: %v, Mortality: %v, Nonce: %v`, tx.SS58Address(), tx.AppId(), tx.Tip(), tx.Mortality(), tx.Nonce()))

	// Convert from Block Transaction to Specific Transaction
	baTx := baPallet.CallTransferKeepAlive{}
	isOk := pallets.Decode(&baTx, tx.Extrinsic)
	AssertEq(isOk, true, "Transaction was not of type Transfer Keep Alive")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Destination: %v, Value: %v`, baTx.Dest.Id.UnsafeUnwrap().ToHuman(), baTx.Value))

	// Printout all Transaction Events
	txEvents := tx.Events().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(txEvents), 9, "Events count is not 9")

	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find NewAccount event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, syPallet.EventNewAccount{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, Account: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.Account.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockTransactionByIndex finished correctly.")

Block Transactions Filtered By Signer

package examples

import (


	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunBlockTransactionBySigner() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY")

	// All Transaction filtered by Signer
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxSigner(accountId))
	fmt.Println("Transaction Count: ", len(blockTxs))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 5, "Transaction count is not 5")

	// Printout Block Transactions filtered by Signer
	for _, tx := range blockTxs {
		AssertEq(tx.SS58Address().UnsafeUnwrap(), accountId.ToHuman(), "Signer is not the correct one")
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Call Name: %v, Call Index: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, tx.PalletName(), tx.PalletIndex(), tx.CallName(), tx.CallIndex(), tx.TxHash(), tx.TxIndex()))
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Signer: %v, App Id: %v, Tip: %v, Mortality: %v, Nonce: %v`, tx.SS58Address(), tx.AppId(), tx.Tip(), tx.Mortality(), tx.Nonce()))

	// Convert from Block Transaction to Specific Transaction
	daTx := daPallet.CallCreateApplicationKey{}
	isOk := pallets.Decode(&daTx, blockTxs[0].Extrinsic)
	AssertEq(isOk, true, "Transaction was not of type Create Application Key")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Key: %v`, string(daTx.Key)))

	// Printout all Transaction Events
	txEvents := blockTxs[0].Events().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(txEvents), 7, "Events count is not 7")

	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find ApplicationKeyCreated event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventApplicationKeyCreated{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, Owner: %v, Key: %v, AppId: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.Owner.ToHuman(), string(event.Key), event.Id))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockTransactionBySigner finished correctly.")

All Block Data Submissions

package examples

import (


	SDK ""

func RunBlockDataSubmissionAll() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// All Block Blobs
	blobs := block.DataSubmissions(SDK.Filter{})
	AssertEq(len(blobs), 4, "Data Submission count is not 4")

	// Printout All Block Blobs
	for _, blob := range blobs {
		accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromMultiAddress(blob.TxSigner)

		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v, Data: %v, App Id: %v, Signer: %v,`, blob.TxHash, blob.TxIndex, string(blob.Data), blob.AppId, accountId.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockDataSubmissionAll finished correctly.")

Block Data Submissions Filtered By App Id

package examples

import (


	SDK ""

func RunBlockDataSubmissionByAppId() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// Block Blobs filtered by App Id
	appId := uint32(2)
	blobs := block.DataSubmissions(SDK.Filter{}.WAppId(appId))
	AssertEq(len(blobs), 2, "Data Submission count is not 2")

	// Printout Block Blobs filtered by App Id
	for _, blob := range blobs {
		AssertEq(blob.AppId, appId, "Transaction App Ids are not the same.")

		accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromMultiAddress(blob.TxSigner)

		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v, Data: %v, App Id: %v, Signer: %v,`, blob.TxHash, blob.TxIndex, string(blob.Data), blob.AppId, accountId.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockDataSubmissionByAppId finished correctly.")

Block Data Submissions Filtered By Transaction Hash

package examples

import (


	SDK ""

func RunBlockDataSubmissionByHash() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// Block Blobs filtered by Transaction Hash
	txHash, err := primitives.NewH256FromHexString("0xe7efa71363d11bce370fe71a33e5ff296775f37507075c49316132131420f793")

	blobs := block.DataSubmissions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxHash(txHash))
	AssertEq(len(blobs), 1, "")
	blob := &blobs[0]
	AssertEq(blob.TxHash.ToHuman(), txHash.ToHuman(), "Transaction Hash are not the same.")

	// Printout Block Blobs filtered by Transaction Hash
	accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromMultiAddress(blob.TxSigner)
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v, Data: %v, App Id: %v, Signer: %v,`, blob.TxHash, blob.TxIndex, string(blob.Data), blob.AppId, accountId.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockDataSubmissionByHash finished correctly.")

Block Data Submissions Filtered By Transaction Index

package examples

import (


	SDK ""

func RunBlockDataSubmissionByIndex() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// Block Blobs filtered by Transaction Index
	txIndex := uint32(6)
	blobs := block.DataSubmissions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxIndex(txIndex))
	AssertEq(len(blobs), 1, "")
	blob := &blobs[0]
	AssertEq(blob.TxIndex, txIndex, "Transaction Indices are not the same.")

	// Printout Block Blobs filtered by Transaction Index
	accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromMultiAddress(blob.TxSigner)
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v, Data: %v, App Id: %v, Signer: %v,`, blob.TxHash, blob.TxIndex, string(blob.Data), blob.AppId, accountId.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockDataSubmissionByIndex finished correctly.")

Block Data Submissions Filtered By Signer

package examples

import (


	SDK ""

func RunBlockDataSubmissionBySigner() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := primitives.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	accountId, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty")

	// Block Blobs filtered by Signer
	blobs := block.DataSubmissions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxSigner(accountId))
	AssertEq(len(blobs), 1, "Data Submission count is not 1")

	// Printout Block Blobs filtered by Signer
	for _, blob := range blobs {
		blobAccountId := blob.TxSigner.ToAccountId().UnsafeUnwrap()
		AssertEq(blobAccountId.ToHuman(), accountId.ToHuman(), "Transaction Signers are not the same.")

		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v, Data: %v, App Id: %v, Signer: %v,`, blob.TxHash, blob.TxIndex, string(blob.Data), blob.AppId, blobAccountId.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunBlockDataSubmissionBySigner finished correctly.")

Block Events

package examples

import (

	prim ""

	baPallet ""
	daPallet ""
	syPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunBlockEvents() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := prim.NewBlockHashFromHexString("0x94746ba186876d7407ee618d10cb6619befc59eeb173cacb00c14d1ff492fc58")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, blockHash)

	// All Block Events
	blockEvents := block.Events().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(blockEvents), 53, "Block event count must be 53")

	// Printout All Block Events
	for _, ev := range blockEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find Transfer event
	baEvents := SDK.EventFind(blockEvents, baPallet.EventTransfer{})
	AssertEq(len(baEvents), 2, "Event Transfer event count is not 2")

	for _, ev := range baEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`From: %v, To: %v, Amount: %v`, ev.From.ToHuman(), ev.To.ToHuman(), ev.Amount))

	// Find ApplicationKeyCreated event
	daEventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(blockEvents, daPallet.EventApplicationKeyCreated{})
	daEvent := daEventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, Id: %v, Key: %v, Owner: %v`, daEvent.PalletName(), daEvent.EventName(), daEvent.Id, string(daEvent.Key), daEvent.Owner.ToHuman()))

	// Check
	AssertEq(len(SDK.EventFind(blockEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})), 4, "Incorrect count of Data Submitted Event")
	AssertEq(len(SDK.EventFind(blockEvents, daPallet.EventApplicationKeyCreated{})), 1, "Incorrect count of Application Key Created Event")

	// Events for Specific Transaction
	txIndex := uint32(0)
	txEvents := block.EventsForTransaction(txIndex).UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(len(txEvents), 1, "Tx event count is not 1")

	// Printout All Tx Events
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		AssertEq(ev.TxIndex(), prim.Some(txIndex), "Tx Index is not the same")
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find ExtrinsicSuccess event
	syEventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, syPallet.EventExtrinsicSuccess{})
	syEvent := syEventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, Class: %v`, syEvent.PalletName(), syEvent.EventName(), syEvent.DispatchInfo.Class))

	// Check
	tx2 := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxIndex(txIndex))
	AssertEq(len(tx2), 1, "")
	tx2Events := tx2[0].Events()
	AssertTrue(tx2Events.IsSome(), "")
	AssertEq(len(tx2Events.Unwrap()), len(txEvents), "")

	fmt.Println("RunBlockEvents finished correctly.")


Transaction Execute

package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunTransactionExecute() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Transaction will be signed, and sent.
	// There is no guarantee that the transaction was executed at all. It might have been
	// dropped or discarded for various reasons. The caller is responsible for querying future
	// blocks in order to determine the execution status of that transaction.
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	txHash, err := tx.Execute(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))
	fmt.Println("Tx Hash:", txHash)

	// Checking if the transaction was included
	// It's not necessary to use the builtin watcher. A custom watcher
	// might yield better results in some cases.
	watcher := SDK.NewWatcher(sdk.Client, txHash).WaitFor(SDK.Inclusion)
	mybTxDetails, err := watcher.Run()
	AssertEq(mybTxDetails.IsSome(), true, "Watcher must have found the status for our transaction")

	// Printout Transaction Details
	txDetails := mybTxDetails.UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, txDetails.BlockHash, txDetails.BlockNumber, txDetails.TxHash, txDetails.TxIndex))

	// Printout Transaction Events
	txEvents := txDetails.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find DataSubmitted event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, DataHash: %v, Who: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.DataHash, event.Who.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionExecute finished correctly.")

Transaction Execute And Watch Inclusion

package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunTransactionExecuteAndWatchInclusion() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Transaction will be signed, sent, and watched
	// If the transaction was dropped or never executed, the system will retry it
	// for 2 more times using the same nonce and app id.
	// Waits for transaction inclusion. Most of the time you would want to call `ExecuteAndWatchFinalization` as
	// inclusion doesn't mean that the transaction will be in the canonical chain.
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	txDetails, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))

	// Returns None if there was no way to determine the
	// success status of a transaction. Otherwise it returns
	// true or false.
	AssertTrue(txDetails.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	// Printout Transaction Details
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, txDetails.BlockHash, txDetails.BlockNumber, txDetails.TxHash, txDetails.TxIndex))

	// Printout Transaction Events
	txEvents := txDetails.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find DataSubmitted event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, DataHash: %v, Who: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.DataHash, event.Who.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionExecuteAndWatchInclusion finished correctly.")

Transaction Execute And Watch Finalization

package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunTransactionExecuteAndWatchFinalization() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Transaction will be signed, sent, and watched
	// If the transaction was dropped or never executed, the system will retry it
	// for 2 more times using the same nonce and app id.
	// Waits for finalization to finalize the transaction.
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	txDetails, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchFinalization(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))

	// Returns None if there was no way to determine the
	// success status of a transaction. Otherwise it returns
	// true or false.
	AssertTrue(txDetails.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	// Printout Transaction Details
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, txDetails.BlockHash, txDetails.BlockNumber, txDetails.TxHash, txDetails.TxIndex))

	// Printout Transaction Events
	txEvents := txDetails.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Find DataSubmitted event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, DataHash: %v, Who: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.DataHash, event.Who.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionExecuteAndWatchFinalization finished correctly.")

Transaction Options

package examples

import (

	SDK ""

func RunTransactionOptions() {

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionOptions finished correctly.")

func RunTransactionOptionsAppId() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Setting AppId
	appId := uint32(5)
	options := SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(appId)

	// Executing Transaction
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("Hello World"))
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), options)
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, res.BlockHash)

	// Checking is the App Id was used correctly
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxHash(res.TxHash))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 1, "")
	foundAppId := blockTxs[0].AppId().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(appId, foundAppId, "App Ids are not the same")

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionOptionsAppId finished correctly.")

func RunTransactionOptionsNonce() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Getting Nonce
	acc := SDK.Account.Alice()
	currentNonce, err := SDK.Account.Nonce(sdk.Client, primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(acc))

	// Executing Transaction
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("Hello World"))
	options := SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithNonce(currentNonce).WithAppId(5)
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), options)

	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, res.BlockHash)

	// Checking is the Nonce was used correctly
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxHash(res.TxHash))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 1, "")
	foundNonce := blockTxs[0].Nonce().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(foundNonce, currentNonce, "Nonces are not the same")

	newNonce, err := SDK.Account.Nonce(sdk.Client, primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(acc))
	AssertEq(newNonce, currentNonce+1, "New nonce and old nonce + 1 are not the same.")

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionOptionsNonce finished correctly.")

func RunTransactionOptionsMortality() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Setting Mortality
	mortality := uint32(16)
	options := SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithMortality(mortality).WithAppId(1)

	// Executing Transaction
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("Hello World"))
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), options)
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, res.BlockHash)

	// Checking if the Mortality is the same as the one expected
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxHash(res.TxHash))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 1, "")
	actualMortality := uint32(blockTxs[0].Mortality().UnsafeUnwrap().Period)
	AssertEq(actualMortality, mortality, "Mortalities are not the same.")

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionOptionsMortality finished correctly.")

func RunTransactionOptionsTip() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Setting Tip
	tip := SDK.OneAvail()
	options := SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithTip(tip).WithAppId(1)

	// Executing Transaction
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("Hello World"))
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), options)
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	block, err := SDK.NewBlock(sdk.Client, res.BlockHash)

	// Checking if the Tip is the same as the one expected
	blockTxs := block.Transactions(SDK.Filter{}.WTxHash(res.TxHash))
	AssertEq(len(blockTxs), 1, "")
	actualTip := blockTxs[0].Tip().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(actualTip, tip, "Tips are not the same.")

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionOptionsTip finished correctly.")

Transaction Payment

package examples

import (

	SDK ""

func RunTransactionPayment() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	acc := SDK.Account.Alice()
	options := SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1)
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("Hello World"))

	// PaymentQueryCallFeeDetails
	feeDetails1, err := tx.PaymentQueryCallFeeDetails()

	AssertEq(feeDetails1.InclusionFee.IsSome(), true, "InclusionFee Must Exist")
	if feeDetails1.InclusionFee.IsSome() {
		InclusionFee := feeDetails1.InclusionFee.UnsafeUnwrap()
		fmt.Println("Adjusted Weight Fee:", InclusionFee.AdjustedWeightFee)
		fmt.Println("Len Fee:", InclusionFee.LenFee)
		fmt.Println("Base Fee:", InclusionFee.BaseFee)

	// PaymentQueryFeeDetails
	feeDetails2, err := tx.PaymentQueryFeeDetails(acc, options)

	AssertEq(feeDetails1.InclusionFee.IsSome(), true, "InclusionFee Must Exist")
	if feeDetails2.InclusionFee.IsSome() {
		InclusionFee := feeDetails2.InclusionFee.UnsafeUnwrap()
		fmt.Println("Adjusted Weight Fee:", InclusionFee.AdjustedWeightFee)
		fmt.Println("Len Fee:", InclusionFee.LenFee)
		fmt.Println("Base Fee:", InclusionFee.BaseFee)

	// PaymentQueryCallInfo
	feeInfo1, err := tx.PaymentQueryCallInfo()

	fmt.Println("ProofSize:", feeInfo1.Weight.ProofSize)
	fmt.Println("RefTime:", feeInfo1.Weight.RefTime)
	fmt.Println("Class:", feeInfo1.Class)
	fmt.Println("Partial Fee:", feeInfo1.PartialFee)

	// PaymentQueryInfo
	feeInfo, err := tx.PaymentQueryInfo(acc, options)

	fmt.Println("ProofSize:", feeInfo.Weight.ProofSize)
	fmt.Println("RefTime:", feeInfo.Weight.RefTime)
	fmt.Println("Class:", feeInfo.Class)
	fmt.Println("Partial Fee:", feeInfo.PartialFee)

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionPayment finished correctly.")


Transaction Custom

package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

type CustomTransaction struct {
	Value []byte

func (this CustomTransaction) PalletName() string {
	return "DataAvailability"

func (this CustomTransaction) PalletIndex() uint8 {
	return 29

func (this CustomTransaction) CallName() string {
	return "submit_data"

func (this CustomTransaction) CallIndex() uint8 {
	return 1

func RunTransactionCustom() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Creating custom transaction
	customTx := CustomTransaction{Value: []byte("Hello World")}
	tx := SDK.NewTransaction(sdk.Client, pallets.ToPayload(customTx))

	// Executing Custom transaction
	txDetails, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions())

	// Returns None if there was no way to determine the
	// success status of a transaction. Otherwise it returns
	// true or false.
	AssertTrue(txDetails.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

	// Printout Transaction Details
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, txDetails.BlockHash, txDetails.BlockNumber, txDetails.TxHash, txDetails.TxIndex))

	// Printout Transaction Events
	txEvents := txDetails.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	// Converts from generic transaction to a specific one
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, DataHash: %v, Who: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.DataHash, event.Who.ToHuman()))

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionCustom finished correctly.")


package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	idenPallet ""
	staPallet ""
	sysPallet ""
	prim ""
	SDK ""

func RunStorage() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

	blockHash, err := prim.NewH256FromHexString("0x9e813bb85fca217f8f3967bd4b550b05f7d559412571ca1dd621aa37343b300b")

	blockStorage, err := sdk.Client.StorageAt(prim.Some(blockHash))

	// Simple Storage
		storage := staPallet.StorageMinValidatorBond{}
		val, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage)

		fmt.Println("Min Validator Bond: ", val.ToHuman())

	// Simple Storage that returns Option
		storage := staPallet.StorageCurrentEra{}
		val, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage)

		if val.IsSome() {
			fmt.Println("Current Era: ", val.Unwrap())

	// Fetch Map Storage
		storage := sysPallet.StorageAccount{}
		acc, err := prim.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5C869t2dWzmmYkE8NT1oocuEEdwqNnAm2XhvnuHcavNUcTTT")

		val, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage, acc)

		fmt.Println("Account Key: ", val.Key.ToHuman())
		fmt.Println("Account Nonce: ", val.Value.Nonce)
		fmt.Println("Account Free Balance: ", val.Value.AccountData.Free.ToHuman())

	// Fetch Map Storage 2
		storage := daPallet.StorageAppKeys{}
		value1, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage, []byte("ThisShouldNotExist"))
		AssertEq(value1.IsNone(), true, "")

		value2, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage, []byte("gohan"))
		AssertEq(value2.IsSome(), true, "")
		val2 := value2.Unwrap()

		fmt.Println("Key: ", string(val2.Key))
		fmt.Println("AppId: ", val2.Value.AppId)
		fmt.Println("Owner: ", val2.Value.Owner.ToSS58())

	// Fetch All Map Storage
		storage := idenPallet.StorageIdentityOf{}
		val, err := storage.FetchAll(&blockStorage)
		AssertTrue(len(val) > 0, "There need to be more than 0 values")
		AssertEq(len(val), 120, "")

		for i := 0; i < len(val); i++ {
			fmt.Println("Identity Key: ", val[i].Key.ToHuman())
			fmt.Println("Identity Deposit: ", val[i].Value.T0.Deposit.ToHuman())
			fmt.Println("Identity Display: ", val[i].Value.T0.Info.Display.ToHuman())
			if i >= 2 {

	// Fetch Double Map Storage
		storage := staPallet.StorageErasValidatorPrefs{}
		era := uint32(299)
		acc, err := prim.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5EFTSpRN2nMZDLjkniBYdmMxquMNm5CLVsrX2V3HHue6QFFF")

		val, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage, era, acc)

		fmt.Println("Era: ", val.Key1)
		fmt.Println("Address: ", val.Key2.ToHuman())
		fmt.Println("Commission: ", val.Value.Commission.ToHuman())
		fmt.Println("Blocked: ", val.Value.Blocked)

	// Fetch All Double Map Storage
		storage := staPallet.StorageErasValidatorPrefs{}
		era := uint32(299)
		val, err := storage.FetchAll(&blockStorage, era)
		AssertTrue(len(val) > 0, "There need to be more than 0 values")
		AssertEq(len(val), 80, "")

		for i := 0; i < len(val); i++ {
			fmt.Println("Era: ", val[i].Key1)
			fmt.Println("Address: ", val[i].Key2.ToHuman())
			fmt.Println("Commission: ", val[i].Value.Commission.ToHuman())
			fmt.Println("Blocked: ", val[i].Value.Blocked)
			if i >= 2 {

	fmt.Println("RunStorage finished correctly.")


package examples

import (

	baPallet ""
	utPallet ""
	prim ""
	SDK ""

func RunBatch() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Use SDK.Account.NewKeyPair("Your key") to use a different account than Alice
	acc := SDK.Account.Alice()

	callsToExecute := []prim.Call{}

	// One way to create a suitable call for the batch transaction is to manually create the desired call and then convert it to a generic call
		destBob, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty")

		call := baPallet.CallTransferKeepAlive{Dest: destBob.ToMultiAddress(), Value: SDK.OneAvail()}
		callsToExecute = append(callsToExecute, pallets.ToCall(call))

	// The other was it to create a transaction using the sdk api and then use the `call` field member
		destCharlie, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y")

		tx := sdk.Tx.Balances.TransferKeepAlive(destCharlie.ToMultiAddress(), SDK.OneAvail())
		callsToExecute = append(callsToExecute, tx.Payload.Call)

	// Happy Path

	// Batch call
		tx := sdk.Tx.Utility.Batch(callsToExecute)
		res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(0))
		AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

		events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()

		event := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, utPallet.EventBatchCompleted{})
		AssertTrue(event.IsSome(), "BatchCompleted event must be present.")

		event_count := len(SDK.EventFind(events, utPallet.EventItemCompleted{}))
		AssertEq(event_count, 2, "ItemCompleted events must be produced twice")

		fmt.Println("Batch call done")

	// Batch All call
		tx := sdk.Tx.Utility.BatchAll(callsToExecute)
		res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(0))
		AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

		events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()

		event := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, utPallet.EventBatchCompleted{})
		AssertTrue(event.IsSome(), "BatchCompleted event must be present.")

		event_count := len(SDK.EventFind(events, utPallet.EventItemCompleted{}))
		AssertEq(event_count, 2, "ItemCompleted events must be produced twice")

		fmt.Println("Batch All call done")

	// Force Batch call
		tx := sdk.Tx.Utility.ForceBatch(callsToExecute)
		res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(0))
		AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

		events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()

		event := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, utPallet.EventBatchCompleted{})
		AssertTrue(event.IsSome(), "BatchCompleted event must be present.")

		event_count := len(SDK.EventFind(events, utPallet.EventItemCompleted{}))
		AssertEq(event_count, 2, "ItemCompleted events must be produced twice")

		fmt.Println("Force Batch call done")

	//	Things differ when we introduce a call that will fail

	// The 3. is poisoned with a too high transfer amount
		destEve, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5HGjWAeFDfFCWPsjFQdVV2Msvz2XtMktvgocEZcCj68kUMaw")

		tx := sdk.Tx.Balances.TransferKeepAlive(destEve.ToMultiAddress(), SDK.OneAvail().Mul64(uint64(1_000_000_000)))
		callsToExecute = append(callsToExecute, tx.Payload.Call)

	// The 4. call is a normal one
		destDave, err := primitives.NewAccountIdFromAddress("5DAAnrj7VHTznn2AWBemMuyBwZWs6FNFjdyVXUeYum3PTXFy")

		tx := sdk.Tx.Balances.TransferKeepAlive(destDave.ToMultiAddress(), SDK.OneAvail())
		callsToExecute = append(callsToExecute, tx.Payload.Call)

	// Batch call
		tx := sdk.Tx.Utility.Batch(callsToExecute)
		res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(0))
		AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

		events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()

		event := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, utPallet.EventBatchInterrupted{})
		AssertTrue(event.IsSome(), "BatchInterrupted event must be present.")

		event2 := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, utPallet.EventBatchCompleted{})
		AssertTrue(event2.IsNone(), "BatchCompleted event must NOT be present.")

		event_count := len(SDK.EventFind(events, utPallet.EventItemCompleted{}))
		AssertEq(event_count, 2, "ItemCompleted events must be produced twice")

		fmt.Println("Batch call done")

	// Batch All call
		tx := sdk.Tx.Utility.BatchAll(callsToExecute)
		res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(0))
		AssertEq(res.IsSuccessful(), prim.Some(false), "Transaction is supposed to fail")

		fmt.Println("Batch All call done")

	// Force Batch call
		tx := sdk.Tx.Utility.ForceBatch(callsToExecute)
		res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(0))
		AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction is supposed to succeed")

		events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()

		event := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, utPallet.EventBatchCompletedWithErrors{})
		AssertTrue(event.IsSome(), "BatchCompletedWithErrors event must be present.")

		event_count := len(SDK.EventFind(events, utPallet.EventItemCompleted{}))
		AssertEq(event_count, 3, "ItemCompleted events must be produced thrice")

		event_count2 := len(SDK.EventFind(events, utPallet.EventItemFailed{}))
		AssertEq(event_count2, 1, "ItemFailed events must be produced once")

		fmt.Println("Force Batch call done")

	fmt.Println("RunBatch finished correctly.")


package examples

import (

	prim ""
	SDK ""

func RunRpc() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)

		// chain_GetBlock
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.Chain.GetBlock(prim.None[prim.H256]())
		fmt.Println("Block Number:", value.Header.Number)

		// chain_GetBlockHash
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.Chain.GetBlockHash(prim.None[uint32]())
		fmt.Println("Block Hash:", value.ToHuman())

		// chain_GetFinalizedHead
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.Chain.GetFinalizedHead()
		fmt.Println("Block Hash:", value.ToHuman())

		// chain_GetHeader
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.Chain.GetHeader(prim.None[prim.H256]())
		fmt.Println("Block Number:", value.Number)

		// chainspec_V1GenesisHash
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.ChainSpec.V1GenesisHash()
		fmt.Println("Genesis Hash:", value.ToHuman())

		// system_AccountNextIndex
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.AccountNextIndex("5GEQ6S3vpSFjYCqsrndQhcPL3sh8uAYbpeCiZFhF4u9EjK6F")
		fmt.Println("Nonce:", value)

		// system_Chain
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.Chain()
		fmt.Println("Chain:", value)

		// system_ChainType
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.ChainType()
		fmt.Println("ChainType:", value)

		// system_Health
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.Health()
		fmt.Println("Health: IsSyncing:", value.IsSyncing)

		// system_LocalPeerId
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.LocalPeerId()
		fmt.Println("Local Peer Id:", value)

		// system_Name
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.Name()
		fmt.Println("Name:", value)

		// system_NodeRoles
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.NodeRoles()
		for _, elem := range value {
			fmt.Println("Role:", elem)

		// system_Properties
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.Properties()
		fmt.Println("Ss58format:", value.Ss58Format)
		fmt.Println("Token Symbol:", value.TokenSymbol)

		// system_SyncState
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.SyncState()
		fmt.Println("Starting Block:", value.StartingBlock)
		fmt.Println("Current Block:", value.CurrentBlock)
		fmt.Println("Highest Block:", value.HighestBlock)

		// system_Version
		value, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.System.Version()
		fmt.Println("Version:", value)

		// author_RotateKeys
		_, _ = sdk.Client.Rpc.Author.RotateKeys()

	fmt.Println("RunRpc finished correctly.")


package examples

import (

	stPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunValidator() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Generating new account.
	acc, err := SDK.Account.GenerateAccount()

	// Sending funds to that account.
	dest := primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(acc).ToMultiAddress()
	tx := sdk.Tx.Balances.TransferKeepAlive(dest, SDK.OneAvail().Mul64(uint64(250_000)))
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction must be successful")

	// Fetching Min Validator Bond storage
	blockStorage, err := sdk.Client.StorageAt(primitives.None[primitives.H256]())

	storage := stPallet.StorageMinValidatorBond{}
	minValBond, err := storage.Fetch(&blockStorage)

	// If there is a min validator bond value then we will bond 1 more.
	// If there isn't one then instead of bonding 0 we will bond 1.
	bondValue := minValBond.Add(SDK.OneAvail())
	payee := metadata.RewardDestination{VariantIndex: 0}

	// Bond
	tx = sdk.Tx.Staking.Bond(bondValue, payee)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction must be successful")

	// Generate Session Keys
	keysRaw, err := sdk.Client.Rpc.Author.RotateKeys()
	sessionKeys, err := SDK.DeconstructSessionKeys(keysRaw)

	// Set Keys
	tx = sdk.Tx.Session.SetKeys(sessionKeys, []byte{})
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction must be successful")

	// Validate
	commission := metadata.NewPerbillFromU8(10) // 10.0%
	pref := metadata.ValidatorPrefs{Commission: commission, Blocked: false}

	tx = sdk.Tx.Staking.Validate(pref)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction must be successful")

	fmt.Println("RunValidator finished correctly.")



package examples

import (

	baPallet ""
	daPallet ""
	pxPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunProxy() {

	fmt.Println("RunProxy finished correctly.")

func RunProxyNormal() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	proxyAccount := SDK.Account.Bob()
	proxyAccountMulti := primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(proxyAccount).ToMultiAddress()
	mainAccount := SDK.Account.Ferdie()
	mainAccountMulti := primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(mainAccount).ToMultiAddress()

	// Creating proxy
	proxyType := metadata.ProxyType{VariantIndex: 0} // Any Proxy
	tx := sdk.Tx.Proxy.AddProxy(proxyAccountMulti, proxyType, 0)
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(mainAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Finding the ProxyAdded Event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap(), pxPallet.EventProxyAdded{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Delegatee: %v, Delegator %v, ProxyTpe %v, Delay: %v`, event.Delegatee.ToHuman(), event.Delegator.ToHuman(), event.ProxyTpe.ToHuman(), event.Delay))

	// Executing the Proxy.Proxy() call
	call := pallets.ToCall(baPallet.CallTransferKeepAlive{Dest: proxyAccountMulti, Value: SDK.OneAvail()})
	tx = sdk.Tx.Proxy.Proxy(mainAccountMulti, primitives.None[metadata.ProxyType](), call)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(proxyAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Finding ProxyExecuted event.
	event2Myb := SDK.EventFindFirst(res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap(), pxPallet.EventProxyExecuted{})
	event2 := event2Myb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(event2.Result.VariantIndex, 0, "Proxy must be successful")

	// Removing Proxy
	tx = sdk.Tx.Proxy.RemoveProxy(proxyAccountMulti, proxyType, 0)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(mainAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Finding for EventProxyRemoved event.
	event3Myb := SDK.EventFindFirst(res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap(), pxPallet.EventProxyRemoved{})
	event3 := event3Myb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(event2.Result.VariantIndex, 0, "Event must OK")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Delegatee: %v, Delegator %v, ProxyTpe %v, Delay: %v`, event3.Delegatee.ToHuman(), event3.Delegator.ToHuman(), event3.ProxyTpe.ToHuman(), event3.Delay))

	fmt.Println("RunProxyNormal finished correctly.")

func RunProxyPure() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	mainAccount := SDK.Account.Bob()

	// Creating Pure Proxy
	proxyType := metadata.ProxyType{VariantIndex: 0} // Any Proxy
	index := uint16(0)
	tx := sdk.Tx.Proxy.CreatePure(proxyType, 0, index)
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(mainAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Finding PureCreated Event
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap(), pxPallet.EventPureCreated{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pure: %v, Who %v, ProxyType %v, Index: %v`, event.Pure.ToHuman(), event.Who.ToHuman(), event.ProxyTpe.ToHuman(), event.DisambiguationIndex))
	pureProxy := event.Pure

	// Executing the Proxy.Proxy() call
	key := fmt.Sprintf("MyKey%v", rand.Uint32())
	call := pallets.ToCall(daPallet.CallCreateApplicationKey{Key: []byte(key)})
	tx = sdk.Tx.Proxy.Proxy(pureProxy.ToMultiAddress(), primitives.None[metadata.ProxyType](), call)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(mainAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Finding the Proxy Executed Event
	event2Myb := SDK.EventFindFirst(res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap(), pxPallet.EventProxyExecuted{})
	event2 := event2Myb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(event2.Result.VariantIndex, 0, "Event must OK")
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Dispatch Result: %v`, event2.Result.ToString()))

	fmt.Println("RunProxyPure finished correctly.")

func RunProxyFailure() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	proxyAccount := SDK.Account.Bob()
	proxyAccountMulti := primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(proxyAccount).ToMultiAddress()
	mainAccount := SDK.Account.Ferdie()
	mainAccountMulti := primitives.NewAccountIdFromKeyPair(mainAccount).ToMultiAddress()

	// Creating proxy
	proxyType := metadata.ProxyType{VariantIndex: 1} // NonTransfer
	tx := sdk.Tx.Proxy.AddProxy(proxyAccountMulti, proxyType, 0)
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(mainAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Executing the Proxy.Proxy() call
	call := pallets.ToCall(baPallet.CallTransferKeepAlive{Dest: proxyAccountMulti, Value: SDK.OneAvail()})
	tx = sdk.Tx.Proxy.Proxy(mainAccountMulti, primitives.None[metadata.ProxyType](), call)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(proxyAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	// Finding ProxyExecuted event.
	event2Myb := SDK.EventFindFirst(res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap(), pxPallet.EventProxyExecuted{})
	event2 := event2Myb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	AssertEq(event2.Result.VariantIndex, 1, "Proxy must fail")
	fmt.Println("Failure", event2.Result.Err.UnsafeUnwrap().ToHuman())

	// Removing Proxy
	tx = sdk.Tx.Proxy.RemoveProxy(proxyAccountMulti, proxyType, 0)
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(mainAccount, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Transaction has to succeed")

	fmt.Println("RunProxyFailure finished correctly.")

Transaction State

package examples

import (

	SDK ""

func RunTransactionState() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Transaction will be signed, and sent.
	// There is no guarantee that the transaction was executed at all. It might have been
	// dropped or discarded for various reasons. The caller is responsible for querying future
	// blocks in order to determine the execution status of that transaction.
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	txHash, err := tx.Execute(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))
	fmt.Println("Tx Hash:", txHash)

	details := []metadata.TransactionState{}
	for {
		details, err = sdk.Client.TransactionState(txHash, false)
		if len(details) != 0 {

	AssertEq(len(details), 1, "")
	detail := details[0]
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Height: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, detail.BlockHash.ToHuman(), detail.BlockHeight, detail.TxHash.ToHuman(), detail.TxIndex))
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Index: %v, Call Index: %v, Tx Success: %v, Is Finalized: %v`, detail.PalletIndex, detail.CallIndex, detail.TxSuccess, detail.IsFinalized))

	fmt.Println("RunTransactionState finished correctly.")