package examples
import (
daPallet ""
SDK ""
func RunTransactionExecute() {
sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)
// Transaction will be signed, and sent.
// There is no guarantee that the transaction was executed at all. It might have been
// dropped or discarded for various reasons. The caller is responsible for querying future
// blocks in order to determine the execution status of that transaction.
tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
txHash, err := tx.Execute(SDK.Account.Alice(), SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))
fmt.Println("Tx Hash:", txHash)
// Checking if the transaction was included
// It's not necessary to use the builtin watcher. A custom watcher
// might yield better results in some cases.
watcher := SDK.NewWatcher(sdk.Client, txHash).WaitFor(SDK.Inclusion)
mybTxDetails, err := watcher.Run()
AssertEq(mybTxDetails.IsSome(), true, "Watcher must have found the status for our transaction")
// Printout Transaction Details
txDetails := mybTxDetails.UnsafeUnwrap()
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, txDetails.BlockHash, txDetails.BlockNumber, txDetails.TxHash, txDetails.TxIndex))
// Printout Transaction Events
txEvents := txDetails.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
for _, ev := range txEvents {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))
// Find DataSubmitted event
eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Event Name: %v, DataHash: %v, Who: %v`, event.PalletName(), event.EventName(), event.DataHash, event.Who.ToHuman()))
fmt.Println("RunTransactionExecute finished correctly.")