Data Submission

package examples

import (

	daPallet ""
	SDK ""

func RunDataSubmission() {
	sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.LocalEndpoint)

	// Use SDK.Account.NewKeyPair("Your key") to use a different account than Alice
	acc := SDK.Account.Alice()

	key := fmt.Sprintf("MyKey%v", rand.Uint32())
	// Transactions can be found under sdk.Tx.*
	tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.CreateApplicationKey([]byte(key))

	// Transaction Execution
	res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions())
	// Err means that we failed to submit and execute the transaction.

	isOk := res.IsSuccessful()
	// If the return value from `IsSuccessful` is None, it means that we cannot
	// determine if the transaction was successful or not.
	// In this case we assume that we were able to determine it.
	AssertTrue(isOk.IsSome(), "Failed to determine transaction status.")

	// If the value of `IsSuccessful()` is Some(false) then the transaction has failed.
	AssertTrue(isOk.Unwrap(), "The transaction failed.")

	// We might have failed to decode the events so res.Events could be None.
	// In the case we assume that we were able to decode then.
	AssertTrue(res.Events.IsSome(), "Failed to decode events.")
	events := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	eventMyb := SDK.EventFindFirst(events, daPallet.EventApplicationKeyCreated{})
	event := eventMyb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()

	// Printing out all the values of the event ApplicationKeyCreated
	appId := event.Id
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Owner: %v, Key: %v, AppId: %v`, event.Owner.ToHuman(), string(event.Key), appId))

	// Submit Data
	tx = sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
	res, err = tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(appId))

	AssertTrue(res.IsSuccessful().UnsafeUnwrap(), "Tx must be successful")

	// Transaction Details
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, res.BlockHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.BlockNumber, res.TxHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.TxIndex))

	// Events
	AssertTrue(res.Events.IsSome(), "Events must be present")
	txEvents := res.Events.UnsafeUnwrap()
	for _, ev := range txEvents {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Pallet Name: %v, Pallet Index: %v, Event Name: %v, Event Index: %v, Event Position: %v, Tx Index: %v`, ev.PalletName, ev.PalletIndex, ev.EventName, ev.EventIndex, ev.Position, ev.TxIndex()))

	event2Myb := SDK.EventFindFirst(txEvents, daPallet.EventDataSubmitted{})
	event2 := event2Myb.UnsafeUnwrap().UnsafeUnwrap()
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Who: %v, Datahash: %v`, event2.Who.ToHuman(), event2.DataHash.ToHexWith0x()))

	fmt.Println("RunDataSubmission finished correctly.")