You can find Go installation instructions here. The required minimum version of Go is 1.23.0
If you already have installed Go (version no less than 1.23.0), jump to Add Avail-GO SDK as dependency
Installing GO in an Empty Ubuntu Container
Here are the instructions on how to install GO using the latest Ubuntu image.
podman run -it --rm --name ubuntu-container ubuntu:latest
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install nano wget
cd ./home/ubuntu/.
tar -xf go1.23.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv ./go /usr/local/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
go version
# "go version go1.23.5 linux/amd64"
Add Avail-GO SDK as dependency
To Existing Project
# Fetches Avail-GO SDK v0.2.4. This might not be the newest version so make sure to check out the latest github avail-go-sdk release.
# Link to Github:
go get
To A New Project
# Creates a new project with name myproject
go mod init myproject
# Fetches Avail-GO SDK v0.2.4. This might not be the newest version so make sure to check out the latest github avail-go-sdk release.
# Link to Github:
go get
First Time Running
- Paste the following code to
package main
import (
SDK ""
func main() {
sdk, err := SDK.NewSDK(SDK.TuringEndpoint)
if err != nil {
// Use SDK.Account.NewKeyPair("Your key") to use a different account than Ferdie
acc := SDK.Account.Ferdie()
tx := sdk.Tx.DataAvailability.SubmitData([]byte("MyData"))
fmt.Println("Submitting new Transaction... Can take up to 20 seconds")
res, err := tx.ExecuteAndWatchInclusion(acc, SDK.NewTransactionOptions().WithAppId(1))
if err != nil {
// Transaction Details
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`Block Hash: %v, Block Number: %v, Tx Hash: %v, Tx Index: %v`, res.BlockHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.BlockNumber, res.TxHash.ToHexWith0x(), res.TxIndex))
- Fetch dependencies:
go mod tidy
- Run Example:
go run .